Assessment of Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Pteridophytic Flora in Dunumadalawa Forest Reserve in Kandy District, Sri Lanka

Marasinghe L. D. K. *

Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kandy Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Polgolla, Sri Lanka.

Daulagala P. W. H. K. P.

Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kandy Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Polgolla, Sri Lanka.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Pteridophytes are a group of non-flowering, vascular, and spore-bearing plants. They are not much economically important to humankind as angiosperms; however, they have potential as commercial and environmental resources. Many of them are horticulturally desirable and used for decorations and ornamental purposes. Further, some are used as medicines, food, and fodder, pollution indicators, and for controlling insect pests. During recent decades, much research indicates a decline in the worldwide fern population due to some reasons such as climate change, the use of land for agriculture and other commerce-related uses, predators, invasive species and overexploitation. Under these circumstances, in the present study, the species diversity and richness, distribution, and conservation perspectives of pteridophytic flora in Dunumadalawa forest reserve in Kandy district, Sri Lanka, were investigated using the random sampling method. Every possible area that supports the growth of fern flora in the forest was visited frequently, and representative samples were collected and preserved as herbarium specimens. The species were identified using the “Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon” (Vol. XV and XVI) and verified with the specimens deposited at the National Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. The study found a total of 11 families of pteridophytes from different habitats, consisting of 16 genera and 31 species.

Keywords: Pteridophytes, ferns, diversity, Dunumadalawa forest, Sri Lanka

How to Cite

Marasinghe L. D. K., and Daulagala P. W. H. K. P. 2024. “Assessment of Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Pteridophytic Flora in Dunumadalawa Forest Reserve in Kandy District, Sri Lanka”. Asian Journal of Research in Botany 7 (1):36-46.


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