Plants and Traditional Contraceptive Practices: An Ethnobotanical Study among the Anyi Ndenye in Eastern Côte d'Ivoire

Bedoua Adjoua Elisabeth Affainie *

Laboratory of Botany and Valorization of Plant Diversity, Nangui Abrogoua University, Côte d'Ivoire.

Djah François Malan

Laboratory of Botany and Valorization of Plant Diversity, Nangui Abrogoua University, Côte d'Ivoire.

Ménéké Distel Kougbo

National Center of Agronomic Research, Côte d'Ivoire.

Ettien Aimée Jocelyne Krou

Laboratory of Botany and Valorization of Plant Diversity, Nangui Abrogoua University, Côte d'Ivoire.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In recent years, plants and traditional practices in reproductive health have become an increasingly subject to ethnobotanical research. However, certain aspects of this health domain, such as family planning, remain understudied.

Aims: This study aims to understand the practices and plants used by the Anyi Ndenye for family planning. Specifically, the study seeks to analyze the perception of the Anyi Ndenye regarding to the use of contraceptive plants, assess the diversity of contraceptive plants, and explore associated knowledge.

Study Design: Documenting all contraceptive practices in Ndenye cultural area. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in three districts of the Ndenye Kingdom from 2016 to 2021.

Methodology: An ethnobotanical survey, based on free lists and semi-structured interviews, was used for ethnobotanical data collection from 253 individuals.

Population's perception, was determined by Index of Consent and knowledge that we proposed. Knowledge Sharing Level Assessment was determined by Correspondence Analysis, was carried out by first grouping the surveyed individuals into five age groups based on physiological maturity (18-24 years, 25-35 years, 36-45 years, 45-50 years, and ≥51 years). knowledge level was highlighted by Frequency of Citation and Smith Index.

Results: 24.5% of individuals were willing to provide information regarding contraceptive plants. The study identified 33 plants belonging to 31 genera and 20 families, with Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae being the most requested. The most contraceptive plant mentioned was Parquetina nigrescens. Leaves and barks were the most commonly used parts for preparing various recipes. These recipes were primarily administered rectally after sexual intercourse. Some similarities have been observed among age groups regarding the sharing of information about plants used. However, there were some specificities for each age group.

Conclusion: Documenting all contraceptive practices in Anyi Ndenye cultural area led us to undertake ethnobotanical studies. According to the literature, contraceptive plants remain a relatively unexplored area in reproductive health and could be an interesting research subject. This work serves as a starting point for research on contraceptive plants in Côte d'Ivoire.

Keywords: Reproductive health, contraceptive plants, Anyi Ndenye, Côte d'Ivoire

How to Cite

Affainie, Bedoua Adjoua Elisabeth, Djah François Malan, Ménéké Distel Kougbo, and Ettien Aimée Jocelyne Krou. 2024. “Plants and Traditional Contraceptive Practices: An Ethnobotanical Study Among the Anyi Ndenye in Eastern Côte d’Ivoire”. Asian Journal of Research in Botany 7 (1):57-67.


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