2022 - Volume 5 [Issue 1]

Short Research Article

Descriptive Anatomy of Invasive Weed, Ruellia tuberosa Linn.

Oluwatobi A. Oso, Benjamin A. Ajayi, Ogochukwu E. Okanume

Page: 31-36

Original Research Article

Phytochemical Constituents and Anti-Salmonella Activity of the Combined Leaves Extracts of Selected Medicinal Plants in Mubi, Nigeria

C. S. Yusuf, T. D. Tizhe, H. M. Ibrahim, J. K. Dagze

Page: 129-136

Comparative Macromorphology and Micromorphology of Hypoestes rosea P. Beauv. and Asystasia gangetica T. Anderson (Acanthaceae)

Oluwafemi B. Adebayo, Benjamin A. Ajayi, Oluwatobi A. Oso, Ogochukwu E. Okanume, Adeniyi A. Jayeola, Christianah M. Adenaike

Page: 87-94

Effect of Foliarly-treated Salicylic Acid on the Yield of Pennisetum glaucum L.

Kiran Esampally, B. Vidya Vardhini

Page: 95-102

Effect of Some Natural Dormancy Overcoming Treatments on the Germination and Early Vigorous Growth of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranean L. Verdc)

Musa Sani Modibbo, Ibrahim Nasir Abdulmuhyi, Okoye Clifford Tochukwu, Bashir Akana Ajala

Page: 46-55

Response of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum typhoides (Burm F.) to Different Fertilizer Applications under Field Conditions

Grema Muhammad Ndirmbula, Ismail Haruna Yahaya, Muhammad Sanusi

Page: 103-111

Character Association Studies in Various Brassica napus Genotypes under Drought Stress

Rao Saad Rehman, Khadar Khan, Syed Ali Zafar, Asad Nadeem Pasha, Mujahid Ali, Muhammad Awais Ashraf, Hassan Bashir, Faiza Rashid

Page: 56-63

Virus Infecting Forest Tree (Treculia africana Decne) and its Characterisation in Oban Forest Cross River State

B. A. Urim, V. T. Ebu, A. O. Alobi, O. N. Ndifon, N. M. Ifebueme

Page: 16-21

Physiological Responses of Maize (Zea mays L.) to Copper (Cu) Induced Stress

S. M. Sam, E. K. Eruni

Page: 22-30

Comparative Foliar Micro-Morphological Study of Six Cucurbitaceous Species

Benjamin Aderemi Ajayi, Akeem Babalola Kadiri, James Dele Olowokudejo

Page: 112-119

Comparision of Chlorophyll Content in Diffrent Tulsi Species Found in Paikmal, Bargarh District, Odisha

Akshya Kumar Mishra, Aishwarya Khamari, Debashish Gardia

Page: 163-167

Karyological Studies and Chromosomal Analysis of Fifteen Accessions of Trichosanthes cucumerina L. (Snake Gourd)

A. N. Osuagwu, C. U. Aguoru, L. O. Omoigui, J. O. Olasan

Page: 120-128

In-vitro Antioxidant Screening of Ethanol Extracts of Costus afer and Justicia carnea Leaves

K. O. Igwe, R. C. Ibeh, A. U. Ezirim, I. U. Doris, C. P. Nzebude

Page: 80-86

Review Article

Algae, a Hope for Sustainable Living

C. C. Ezemba, O. J. Osuala

Page: 144-153

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